Genetic Structure of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) – A Review of the Population and its Reintroduction in Latvia
Today red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) are widely distributed, and are an economically important game species in Latvia and Europe. In Latvia the species went extinct around the 10th century, and was absent for approximately 1000 years, until their reintroduction in the 19th century. This study uses literature and official statistics to describe changes to population size, distribution and harvest from the establishment of the wild population in the beginning of the 20th century until today. 100 red deer individuals from 3 regions, corresponding with the historical distribution of red deer in Latvia, were analyzed using 14 nuclear microsatellite markers.
Red deer population has undergone various changes since initial introductions. They have gone from small, isolated populations in the south and west of Latvia, to covering roughly 90% of all territory, and harvest has increased over time to the current maximum today of approximately 10000 per annum. The primary driver in range expansion was the translocations that took place from the west to the north- east regions between 1963 and 1988.
The analysed individuals were divided into regions based upon the historical information about deer populations in Latvia. We found no evidence of genetic differentiation between the regions, and the patterns of genetic diversity were also similar between the analysed regions. The results presented in this study indicate that currently there do not seem to be reproductive barriers between these populations. However, due to selective hunting, hybridisation and/or growth to infrastructure continued monitoring in the future is imperative. Genetic monitoring will help to detect changes in populations and to assist in the development of management strategies.