About the Journal

Focus and Scope

BALTIC FORESTRY (ISSN 1392-1355) is peer reviewed international scientific open access journal of forest sciences which is indexed/covered in large international databases: Clarivate Analytics products (Journal Citation Reports - Science Edition (JCR), Science Citation Index - Expanded, Zoological Records),  Elsevier products (Scopus™), CrossRef DOI, etc. The journal does not charge authors from founder institutions with processing fees. The journal welcomes original articles as well as short reports, review papers on forestry and forest science throughout the Baltic Sea region and elsewhere in the area of boreal and temperate forests. The Baltic Sea region is rather unique through its intrinsic environment and distinguished geographical and social conditions. A temperate climate, transitional and continental, has influenced formation of the mixed coniferous and deciduous forests of high productivity and biological diversity. The forest science has been affected by the ideas from both the East and West.

The articles published in journal are dealing with any aspects of forestry including environmental studies related to:

  •  Forest Ecosystems, Silviculture,
  •  Physiology and Genetics;
  •  Forest Operation and techniques;
  •  Inventory, Growth, Yield, Quantitative and Management Sciences;
  •  Forest Products,
  •  Forest Health (including monitoring etc.);
  •  Forest Environment (including ecosystem, site research and classification, forest hydrology, wildlife and its habitat management, biodiversity etc.).

Today BALTIC FORESTRY is high quality scientific journal that is rendering up-to-date forest information for scientists, forest managers, and all that are interesting in forest science, forestry, and forest-related environmental studies.

BALTIC FORESTRY is issued by: 

Journal Publisher:
Institute of Forestry LAMMC
Liepu str. 1 Girionys, LT-53101
Kaunas district, Lithuania
E-mail: Baltic.Forestry@lammc.lt



























Peer Review Process

The articles are reviewed by at least two anonymous peer referees from other countries and institutions. 

Each submitted manuscript is assigned by Editor-in-Chief or Managing editor to Subject Editor who selects reviewers and manage the review and editing process. The assignment is done within the Baltic Forestry Online Submission site. Managing Editor strictly follows COPE ethical guidelines for editors, https://publicationethics.org/files/A_Short_Guide_to_Ethical_Editing.pdf

Reviewer invitations are sent out by email by an assigned Subject Editor directly from the Baltic Forestry Online Submission site. The invitation includes information about authors, title and abstract of the manuscript and an indication of the time frame in which we would like to receive the review. The Subject Editor can assign Review Form for reviewers to provide reviewers with criteria for judging a submission's suitability for publication in the journal. Alternatively a reviewer can write free-text review. In all cases, editors will have the option of including the reviews in corresponding emails to author. After agreeing to review the paper, the reviewer will be provided with online access to the entire manuscript.

On receipt of the invitation to review, a reviewer should  determine whether the subject is within the area of his expertise and whether he can complete the review in the stated time period. If reviewer declines the invitation to review, he has to indicate it on line and suggest a colleague who may be able to review the manuscript. If appropriate, the Subject editor will send an invitation to review to that researcher. It is not allowed for the invited reviewer to transfer invitation to review the manuscript to a colleague. Reviewers strictly follow COPE ethical guidelines for reviewers, https://publicationethics.org/files/Ethical_Guidelines_For_Peer_Reviewers_2.pdf

Reviewing has to be conducted confidentially. It is not allowed to  share information about the review and the material he has been provided with anyone without prior authorization from the editor. To help us protect reviewers's identity, we ask a reviewer do not reveal his name within the text of the review. 

Since the journal follows quick review process and shows respect to the authors, a timely submission of review report is highly appreciated.

The review address the following key points of the manuscript: novelty and significance, international interest of the results, relevance to the subjects of the journal, clarity of a title and the study aim, data and statistical treatment, methods and materials, response of the results to the aim, relevance of the discussion and conclusions, quality of tables and headings, quality of figures and legends, quality of references, volume and language.

Comments should be courteous and constructive, and should not include any personal remarks. Providing insight into any deficiencies of the manuscript and a study is of great importance. Reviewer should explain and support his judgment so that both editors and authors are able to fully understand the reasoning behind the comments. Reviewer has to clearly identify what revision is required.

When making a recommendation regarding a manuscript, it is worth considering the categories the editors uses for classifying the fate of an article:
a) Accept submission without revision;
b) Revision required (either major, moderate or minor, list required changes); 
c) Resubmit for revision (if manuscript lacks of proper description of study aims, tasks and methods, correct presentation and interpretation of data, suficient discussion, references, required formatting of tables, figures, text, list of references, etc.); 
d) Decline submission (if manuscript is out of the journal scope and scientific novelty, there are serious flaws in experimental design, incorrect interpretation of data, extensive additional experiments required, or any English usage flaws that prevent critical review of the manuscript).

For the sake of editorial consistency and fairness to the authors, we ask that referees who agree to review one version of a given manuscript also commit to reviewing future revisions if necessary. 

Subject editor concludes on suitability of a manuscript for publication or rejection based on comments and recommendations done by reviewers and from Online submission site sends a concluding email to author.

Editorial Board or Editor-in-Chief make the final decision on the acceptance for publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge  (ISSN 2029-9230). Open access means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Journal History

In 1995, forest research institutes and universities from Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined their efforts to publish BALTIC FORESTRY and successfully continue publishing and developing the journal.