Forests as the key component of green belts surrounding urban areas


  • Agnieszka Szczepańska Institute of Geography and Land Management, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Prawochenskiego 15, 10-724, Olsztyn, Poland
  • Adam Senetra



The development of Polish cities leads to the urbanization of the surrounding rural areas. This process induces changes in the land-use structure, which is manifested by the expansion of urbanized and developed areas at the expense of open areas. The National Urban Development Plan until 2030 has introduced the concept of obligatory green belts around metropolitan and regional hubs to prevent uncontrolled suburbanization and to promote rational urban development. Green belts are protective areas that serve numerous functions, increase the quality of life and promote the ecological cohesion of space. Green belts limit urban sprawl and maintain urban open spaces that are accessible to city residents for recreational purposes. They also contribute to the local climate and act as sanitary cordons. The main components of green belts are green spaces, river valleys and forests. Therefore, the size as well as the distribution of forests around urban centers are important considerations. This study analyzes the distribution and spatial continuity of forests and the spatial relationships (spatial autocorrelations) between the forests situated in the rural suburbia of Olsztyn in north-eastern Poland. Suburban municipalities were analyzed at the level of cadastral districts (villages). The aim of the analysis was to evaluate the spatial continuity of forests by grouping similar objects and identifying areas which could be included in green belts. The location quotient (LQ) and Gini’s coefficient were taken into account in the analysis of the spatial distribution of forests. Local Moran’s statistics were calculated and spatial clusters were identified to illustrate the diversity of the examined suburban space based on the similarity of the neighboring objects (cadastral districts) and to determine the statistical significance of these relationships. The results of the study reveal spatial irregularities and disproportions in the distribution of forests in the suburban zone of Olsztyn as well as the presence of local instabilities and discontinuities. The applied methods are a useful tool for evaluating, planning and optimizing the spatial distribution of forests around large urban centers. Spatial management solutions in the suburban zone should aim to eliminate spatial discontinuities and improve the quality of life of the local communities.


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How to Cite

Szczepańska, A., & Senetra, A. (2019). Forests as the key component of green belts surrounding urban areas. Baltic Forestry, 25(1).



Forest Inventory and Management Planning