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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2020): Baltic Forestry
Vol. 26 No. 2 (2020): Baltic Forestry
Forest Ecology
Drought-induced changes in antioxidant system and osmolyte content of poplar cuttings
Ružica Ždero Pavlović, Bojana Blagojević, Dragana Latković, Dejan Agić, Nikola Mićić, Dubravka Štajner, Boris M Popović
BF 2020 26(2) id420
White pine and Scots pine tree-ring chronologies as indicators of climate-related non-native and native tree growth patterns in Estonia
Alar Läänelaid, Samuli Helama
BF 2020 26(2) id491
Forest Plantations
Ecogenetic plasticity and genetic variation in Populus hybrids under the impact of simulated climate change related stressors
Valda Gudynaitė-Franckevičienė, Alfas Pliūra, Vytautas Suchockas
BF 2020 26(2) id462
Wildlife management
Assessment of the effect of beaver foraging activities on the alteration of waterside forests in northern and middle taiga of Russian Karelia
Fyodor Fyodorov
BF 2020 26(2) id492
Use of coniferous plantations by bats in western Poland during summer
Grzegorz Apoznanski, Tomasz Kokurewicz, Justyna Błesznowska, Ewa Kwasiborska, Tomasz Marszałek, Monika Górska
BF 2020 26(2) id232
Using spatial data on habitat suitability in estimation of wild boar resources in Russia
Wild boar resources in Russia
Alexander Economov, Vyacheslav Kolesnikov, Victor Mashkin, Andrey Lissovsky
BF 2020 26(2) id486
Microhabitat characteristics of brown bear den areas
Microhabitat characteristics of brown bear den areas
Damir Ugarkovic, Nera Fabijanić, Kristijan Tomljanović, Davor Krmpotić, Nikolina Kelava Ugarković
BF 2020 26(2) id495
Differences in ungulate population use in different hunting ground units in Lithuania
Tomas Barkauskas, Olgirda Belova, Loreta Griciuvienė
Bf 2020 26(2) id514
Forest Management
Modeling depth of drainage ditches in forested peatlands in Finland
Hannu Hökkä, Leena Stenberg, Ari Laurén
Forest Soils
Soil-forming processes in profile textural-differentiated forest soils of the Cis-Carpathian region, Ukraine
Zinoviy Pankiv, Stepan Malyk, Taras Yamelynets
BF 2020 26(2) id472
Remote Sensing Technology
Integration of statistical forest reflectance model and Sentinel-2 MSI images into a continuous forest inventory system
Andres Kuusk, Mait Lang
BF 2020 26(2) id467
Forest Economics
Benefits of recreation in the “Nad Tanwią” nature reserve determined by the travel cost method
Agnieszka Mandziuk, Stanislaw Parzych, Marcin Studnicki
BF 2020 26(2) id407
Forest Policy Analysis
Forms of cooperation of Lithuanian forest owners: a case review
Aidas Pivoriūnas
BF 2020 26(2) id455
Forest Products
Evaluation of properties of graded density fiberboard produced from wood residues (sawdust and corrugated paper)
Oghenekevwe Abigail Ohwo, Ighoyivwi Onakpoma, Eduvie Okoromaraye
BF 2020 26(2) id494
Measurement of global competitiveness of non-wood forest products: the case of Turkey
Nadir Ersen
BF 2020 26(2) id515
Forest Growth and Yield
New generalized height-diameter models for birch stands in European Russia
Aleksandr V. Lebedev
BF 2020 26(2) id499
Forest Entomology
Two galling insects (Hartigiola annulipes and Mikiola fagi), one host plant (Fagus sylvatica) – differences between leaf and gall chemical composition
Sebastian Pilichowski, Marian J. Giertych
Bf 2020 26(2) id474
Assessment of the impact of clear-cutting on groundwater regime in swampy habitats
Mariusz Sojka, Rafał Stasik, Mariusz Korytowski
BF 2020 26(2) id151
100 years of academic forestry education in Estonia
Marek Metslaid
BF 2020 26(2) Chronicle Est