Effect of ozone flux on selected structural and antioxidant characteristics of a mountain Norway spruce forest
In the 30 year old mountain Norway spruce (Picea abies /L./ Karst.) forest in Bily Kriz Experimental Station in the Beskydy Mts. (Czech Republic) the influence of ozone stomatal flux on the anatomical structure of spruce needle was described. This study focuses on enlargement of intercellular space in mesophyll parenchyma after ozone oxidative influence. A relationship has been found between enlargement of intercellular area in mesophyll and ozone Phytotoxic Ozone Dose above a threshold 1 nmol m-2 s-1 (POD1). An index of ratio between intercellular and total area in mesophyll has been introduced. The paper also inquires into concentration of carotenoids with protective function depending on POD1.
Arora A., Sairam R. K., Srivastava G. C. 2002. Oxidative stress and antioxidative systems in plants. Current Science 82: 1227-1238.
Buck A.L. 1981. New equations for computing vapour pressure. Journal of Applied Meteorology 20: 1527-1532.
Calfapietra C., Scarascia Mugnozza G., Karnosky D. F., Loreto F., Sharkey T. D. 2008. Isoprene emission rates under elevated CO2 and O3 in two field‐grown aspen clones differing in their sensitivity to O3. New Phytologist 179: 55-61.
Cieslik S. 2004. Ozone uptake by various surface types: a comparison between dose and exposure. Atmospheric Environment 38: 2409-2420.
Cieslik S. 2009. Ozone fluxes over various plant ecosystems in Italy: A review, Environmental Pollution 157: 1487-1496.
Dangl J. L., Dietrich R. A., Richberg M. H. 1996. Death don't have no mercy: cell death programs in plant-microbe interaction. The Plant Cell 8: 1793-1807.
Desikan R., Reynolds A., Hancock J. J., Neill S. J. 1998. Harpin and hydrogen peroxide both initiate programmed cell death but have differential effects on defence gene expression in Arabidopsis suspension cultures. The Biochemical Journal 330: 115-120.
Emberson L.D., Wieser G., Ashmore M.R. 2000a. Modelling of stomatal conductance and ozone flux of Norway spruce: comparison with field data. Environmental Pollution 109: 393-402.
Emberson L.D., Ashmore M.R., Cambridge H., Simpson D., Tuovinen J.P. 2000b. Modelling stomatal ozone flux across Europe. Environmental Pollution 109: 403-414.
Emberson L.D., Simpson D., Tuovinen J.-P., Ashmore M.R., Cambridge H.M. 2000c. Towards a Model of Ozone Deposition and Stomatal Uptake over Europe. EMEP MSC-W Note 6/2000, 57 pp.
Fuhrer J., Skarby L., Ashmore M.R. 1997. Critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation in Europe. Environmental Pollution 97: 91–106.
Gebauer R., Volařík D., Urban J., Borja I., Nagy N. E., Eldhuset T. D., Krokene P. 2011. Effect of thinning on anatomical adaptations of Norway spruce needles. Tree Physiology 31: 1103-1113.
Gerosa G., Marzuoli R., Desotgiu R., Bussotti F., Ballarin-Denti A. 2009. Validation of the stomatal flux approach for the assessment of ozone visible injury in young forest trees. Results from the TOP (transboundary ozone pollution) experiment at Curno, Italy. Environmental Pollution 157: 1497-1505.
Haberer K., Herbinger K., Alexou M., Tausz M., Rennenberg H. 2007. Antioxidative Defence of Old Growth Beech (Fagus sylvatica) under Double Ambient O3 Concentrations in a Free‐Air Exposure System. Plant Biology 9: 215-226.
Herbinger K., Then C., Haberer K., Alexou M., Löw M., Remele K., Rennenberg H., Matyssek R., Grill1 D., Wieser G., Tausz, M. 2007. Gas Exchange and Antioxidative Compounds in Young Beech Trees under Free‐Air Ozone Exposure and Comparisons to Adult Trees. Plant Biology 9: 288-297.
Hicks B.B., Baldocchi D.D., Meyers T.P., Hosker Jr.R.P., Matt D.R. 1987. A preliminary multiple resistance routine for deriving dry deposition velocities from measured quantities. Water, Air, and Soil Pollut. 36: 311-330.
Holopainen T., Anttonen S., Wulff A., Palomäki V., Kärenlampi L. 1992. Comparative evaluation of the effects of gaseous pollutants, acidic deposition and mineral deficiencies: structural changes in the cells of forest plants. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 42: 365–398.
Houot V., Etienne P., Petitot A. S., Barbier S., Blein J. P., Suty L. 2001. Hydrogen peroxide induces programmed cell death features in cultured tobacco BY-2 cells, in a dose-dependent manner. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 1721-1730.
ICP Vegetation 2009. Flux-based assessment of ozone effects for air pollution policy. ICP Vegetation Expert Panel Meeting, 9 – 12 November, 2009, JRC-Ispra, Italy.
ICP Vegetation 2010. Minutes of the 23rd Task Force Meeting. ICP Vegetation 23rd Task Force Meeting, 1 – 3 February, 2010, Tervuren, Belgium.
Jabs T., Dietrich R., Dangl J. L. 1996. Initiation of runaway cell death in an Arabidopsis mutant by extracellular superoxide. Science 273: 1853-1856.
Kalina J. and Slovák V. 2004. The inexpensive tool for the determination of projected leaf area. Ekológia (Bratislava) 23: 163–167.
Kivimäenpää M., Jönsson A. M., Stjernquist I., Selldén G., Sutinen S. 2004. The use of light and electron microscopy to assess the impact of ozone on Norway spruce needles. Environmental Pollution 127: 441-453.
Kronfuß G., Polle A., Tausz M., Havranek M. M., Wieser G. 1998. Effects of ozone and mild drought stress on gas exchange, antioxidants and chloroplast pigments in current-year needles of young norway spruce [picea abies (L.) karst.]. Trees - Structure and Function 12: 482-489.
Lamb C. and Dixon R. A. 1997. The oxidative burst in plant disease resistance. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 48: 251-275.
Levine A., Tenhaken R., Dixon R. A., Lamb C. 1994. H2O2 from the oxidative burst orchestrates the plant hypersensitive disease resistance response. Cell 79: 583-593.
Löw M., Häberle K. H., Warren C. R., Matyssek R. 2007. O3 flux-related responsiveness of photosynthesis, respiration, and stomatal conductance of adult Fagus sylvatica to experimentally enhanced free-air O3 exposure. Plant Biology 9: 197-206.
Luedemann G., Matyssek R, Fleischmann F., Grams T. E. 2005. Acclimation to ozone affects host/pathogen interaction and competitiveness for nitrogen in juvenile Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies trees infected with Phytophthora citricola. Plant Biology 7: 640-649.
Massman W. J., Musselman R. C., Lefohn A. S. (2000) A conceptual ozone dose-response model to develop a standard to protect vegetation. Atmospheric Environment 34: 745-759.
Matyssek R., Bahnweg G., Ceulemans R., Fabian P., Grill D., Hanke D. E., Kraigher H., Osswald W., Rennenberg H., Sandermann H., Tausz M., Wieser G. 2007. Synopsis of the CASIROZ case study: carbon sink strength of Fagus sylvatica L. in a changing environment--experimental risk assessment of mitigation by chronic ozone impact. Plant Biology 9: 163-180.
Milthorpe F.L. and Moorby J. 1974. An introduction to Crop Physiology. Cambridge University Press.
Mintz Y. and Walker G.K. 1993. Global field of soil moisture and land surface evapotranspiration derived from observed precipitation and surface air temperature. Journal of Applied Meteorology 32: 1305-1334.
Naton B., Hahlbrock K., Schmelzer E. 1996. Correlation of rapid cell death with the metabolic changes in fungus-infected, cultured parsley cells. Plant physiology 112: 433-444.
Oksanen E., Kontunen-Soppela S., Riikonen J., Peltonen P., Uddling J., Vapaavuori E. 2007. Northern environment predisposes birches to ozone damage. Plant Biology 9: 191-196.
Osswald W. F. and Elstner E. F. 1986. Mechanismen der pathologischen Pigmentbleichung bei Pflanzen. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 99: 341-365.
Pfeifhofer H.W. 1989. Evidence of chlorophyll b and lack of lutein in Neottia nidusavis plastids. Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 184: 55–61.
Piterková J., Tománková K., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Peč P. 2005. Oxidativní stres: lokalizace tvorby aktivních forem kyslíku a jejich degradace v rostlinném organismu. Chemické listy 99: 455-466.
Siefermann-Harms D., Boxler-Baldoma C., Wilpert K., Heumann H.G. 2004. The rapid yellowing of spruce at a mountain site in the Central Black Forest (Germany). Combined effects of Mg deficiency and ozone on biochemical, physiological and structural properties of the chloroplasts. Journal of Plant Physiology 161: 423-437.
Solomon M., Belenghi B., Delledone M., Menachem E., Levine A. 1999. The involvement of cystein-proteases and protease inhibitor genes in the regulation of programmed cell death in plants. The Plant Cell 11: 431-443.
Sutinen S., Skärby L., Wallin G., Selldén G. 1990. Long-term exposure of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst., to ozone in open-top chambers. II. Effects on the ultrastructure of needles. New Phytologist 115: 345-355.
Tausz M., Olszyk D. M., Monschein S., Tingey D. T. 2004. Combined effects of CO2 and O3 on antioxidative and photoprotective defense systems in needles of ponderosa pine. Biologia plantarum 48: 543-548.
Tzortzakis N., Borland A., Singleton I., Barnes J. 2007. Impact of atmospheric ozone-enrichment on quality-related attributes of tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 45: 317-325.
UNECE 2004. Manual on methodologies and criteria for modelling and mapping critical loads and levels and air pollution effects, risk and trends. Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. http:/www.icpmapping.org.
Voldner E.C., Barrie L.A., Sirois A. 1986. A literature review of dry deposition of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen with emphasis on long-range transport modelling in North America. Atmospheric Environment 20: 2101-2123.
Vollenweider P., Fenn M. E., Menard T., Günthardt-Goerg M., Bytnerowicz A. 2013. Structural injury underlying mottling in ponderosa pine needles exposed to ambient ozone concentrations in the San Bernardino Mountains near Los Angeles, California. Trees 27: 895–911.
Wieser G. and Emberson L.D. 2004. Evaluation of the stomatal conductance formulation in the EMEP ozone deposition model for Picea abies. Atmospheric Environment 38: 2339-2348.
Wipfler P., Seifert T., Heerdt C., Werner H., Pretzsch H. 2005. Growth of adult Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) under free-air ozone fumigation. Plant Biology 7: 611-618.
Yamaji K., Julkunen‐Tiitto R., Rousi M., Freiwald V., Oksanen E. 2003. Ozone exposure over two growing seasons alters root‐to‐shoot ratio and chemical composition of birch (Betula pendula Roth). Global Change Biology 9: 1363-1377.
Zapletal M., Cudlín P., Chroust P., Urban O., Pokorný R., Edwards-Jonášová M., Czerný R., Janouš D., Taufarová T., Večeřa Z., Mikuška P., Paoletti E. 2011. Ozone flux over a Norway spruce forest and correlation with Net Ecosystem Production. Environmental Pollution 159 (2011): 1024-1034.
Zapletal M., Pretel J., Chroust P., Cudlín P., Edwards-Jonášová M., Urban O., Pokorný R., Czerný R., Hůnová I. 2012. The influence of climate change on stomatal ozone flux to a mountain Norway spruce forest. Environmental Pollution 169 (2012): 267-273.
Buck A.L. 1981. New equations for computing vapour pressure. Journal of Applied Meteorology 20: 1527-1532.
Calfapietra C., Scarascia Mugnozza G., Karnosky D. F., Loreto F., Sharkey T. D. 2008. Isoprene emission rates under elevated CO2 and O3 in two field‐grown aspen clones differing in their sensitivity to O3. New Phytologist 179: 55-61.
Cieslik S. 2004. Ozone uptake by various surface types: a comparison between dose and exposure. Atmospheric Environment 38: 2409-2420.
Cieslik S. 2009. Ozone fluxes over various plant ecosystems in Italy: A review, Environmental Pollution 157: 1487-1496.
Dangl J. L., Dietrich R. A., Richberg M. H. 1996. Death don't have no mercy: cell death programs in plant-microbe interaction. The Plant Cell 8: 1793-1807.
Desikan R., Reynolds A., Hancock J. J., Neill S. J. 1998. Harpin and hydrogen peroxide both initiate programmed cell death but have differential effects on defence gene expression in Arabidopsis suspension cultures. The Biochemical Journal 330: 115-120.
Emberson L.D., Wieser G., Ashmore M.R. 2000a. Modelling of stomatal conductance and ozone flux of Norway spruce: comparison with field data. Environmental Pollution 109: 393-402.
Emberson L.D., Ashmore M.R., Cambridge H., Simpson D., Tuovinen J.P. 2000b. Modelling stomatal ozone flux across Europe. Environmental Pollution 109: 403-414.
Emberson L.D., Simpson D., Tuovinen J.-P., Ashmore M.R., Cambridge H.M. 2000c. Towards a Model of Ozone Deposition and Stomatal Uptake over Europe. EMEP MSC-W Note 6/2000, 57 pp.
Fuhrer J., Skarby L., Ashmore M.R. 1997. Critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation in Europe. Environmental Pollution 97: 91–106.
Gebauer R., Volařík D., Urban J., Borja I., Nagy N. E., Eldhuset T. D., Krokene P. 2011. Effect of thinning on anatomical adaptations of Norway spruce needles. Tree Physiology 31: 1103-1113.
Gerosa G., Marzuoli R., Desotgiu R., Bussotti F., Ballarin-Denti A. 2009. Validation of the stomatal flux approach for the assessment of ozone visible injury in young forest trees. Results from the TOP (transboundary ozone pollution) experiment at Curno, Italy. Environmental Pollution 157: 1497-1505.
Haberer K., Herbinger K., Alexou M., Tausz M., Rennenberg H. 2007. Antioxidative Defence of Old Growth Beech (Fagus sylvatica) under Double Ambient O3 Concentrations in a Free‐Air Exposure System. Plant Biology 9: 215-226.
Herbinger K., Then C., Haberer K., Alexou M., Löw M., Remele K., Rennenberg H., Matyssek R., Grill1 D., Wieser G., Tausz, M. 2007. Gas Exchange and Antioxidative Compounds in Young Beech Trees under Free‐Air Ozone Exposure and Comparisons to Adult Trees. Plant Biology 9: 288-297.
Hicks B.B., Baldocchi D.D., Meyers T.P., Hosker Jr.R.P., Matt D.R. 1987. A preliminary multiple resistance routine for deriving dry deposition velocities from measured quantities. Water, Air, and Soil Pollut. 36: 311-330.
Holopainen T., Anttonen S., Wulff A., Palomäki V., Kärenlampi L. 1992. Comparative evaluation of the effects of gaseous pollutants, acidic deposition and mineral deficiencies: structural changes in the cells of forest plants. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 42: 365–398.
Houot V., Etienne P., Petitot A. S., Barbier S., Blein J. P., Suty L. 2001. Hydrogen peroxide induces programmed cell death features in cultured tobacco BY-2 cells, in a dose-dependent manner. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 1721-1730.
ICP Vegetation 2009. Flux-based assessment of ozone effects for air pollution policy. ICP Vegetation Expert Panel Meeting, 9 – 12 November, 2009, JRC-Ispra, Italy.
ICP Vegetation 2010. Minutes of the 23rd Task Force Meeting. ICP Vegetation 23rd Task Force Meeting, 1 – 3 February, 2010, Tervuren, Belgium.
Jabs T., Dietrich R., Dangl J. L. 1996. Initiation of runaway cell death in an Arabidopsis mutant by extracellular superoxide. Science 273: 1853-1856.
Kalina J. and Slovák V. 2004. The inexpensive tool for the determination of projected leaf area. Ekológia (Bratislava) 23: 163–167.
Kivimäenpää M., Jönsson A. M., Stjernquist I., Selldén G., Sutinen S. 2004. The use of light and electron microscopy to assess the impact of ozone on Norway spruce needles. Environmental Pollution 127: 441-453.
Kronfuß G., Polle A., Tausz M., Havranek M. M., Wieser G. 1998. Effects of ozone and mild drought stress on gas exchange, antioxidants and chloroplast pigments in current-year needles of young norway spruce [picea abies (L.) karst.]. Trees - Structure and Function 12: 482-489.
Lamb C. and Dixon R. A. 1997. The oxidative burst in plant disease resistance. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 48: 251-275.
Levine A., Tenhaken R., Dixon R. A., Lamb C. 1994. H2O2 from the oxidative burst orchestrates the plant hypersensitive disease resistance response. Cell 79: 583-593.
Löw M., Häberle K. H., Warren C. R., Matyssek R. 2007. O3 flux-related responsiveness of photosynthesis, respiration, and stomatal conductance of adult Fagus sylvatica to experimentally enhanced free-air O3 exposure. Plant Biology 9: 197-206.
Luedemann G., Matyssek R, Fleischmann F., Grams T. E. 2005. Acclimation to ozone affects host/pathogen interaction and competitiveness for nitrogen in juvenile Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies trees infected with Phytophthora citricola. Plant Biology 7: 640-649.
Massman W. J., Musselman R. C., Lefohn A. S. (2000) A conceptual ozone dose-response model to develop a standard to protect vegetation. Atmospheric Environment 34: 745-759.
Matyssek R., Bahnweg G., Ceulemans R., Fabian P., Grill D., Hanke D. E., Kraigher H., Osswald W., Rennenberg H., Sandermann H., Tausz M., Wieser G. 2007. Synopsis of the CASIROZ case study: carbon sink strength of Fagus sylvatica L. in a changing environment--experimental risk assessment of mitigation by chronic ozone impact. Plant Biology 9: 163-180.
Milthorpe F.L. and Moorby J. 1974. An introduction to Crop Physiology. Cambridge University Press.
Mintz Y. and Walker G.K. 1993. Global field of soil moisture and land surface evapotranspiration derived from observed precipitation and surface air temperature. Journal of Applied Meteorology 32: 1305-1334.
Naton B., Hahlbrock K., Schmelzer E. 1996. Correlation of rapid cell death with the metabolic changes in fungus-infected, cultured parsley cells. Plant physiology 112: 433-444.
Oksanen E., Kontunen-Soppela S., Riikonen J., Peltonen P., Uddling J., Vapaavuori E. 2007. Northern environment predisposes birches to ozone damage. Plant Biology 9: 191-196.
Osswald W. F. and Elstner E. F. 1986. Mechanismen der pathologischen Pigmentbleichung bei Pflanzen. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 99: 341-365.
Pfeifhofer H.W. 1989. Evidence of chlorophyll b and lack of lutein in Neottia nidusavis plastids. Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 184: 55–61.
Piterková J., Tománková K., Luhová L., Petřivalský M., Peč P. 2005. Oxidativní stres: lokalizace tvorby aktivních forem kyslíku a jejich degradace v rostlinném organismu. Chemické listy 99: 455-466.
Siefermann-Harms D., Boxler-Baldoma C., Wilpert K., Heumann H.G. 2004. The rapid yellowing of spruce at a mountain site in the Central Black Forest (Germany). Combined effects of Mg deficiency and ozone on biochemical, physiological and structural properties of the chloroplasts. Journal of Plant Physiology 161: 423-437.
Solomon M., Belenghi B., Delledone M., Menachem E., Levine A. 1999. The involvement of cystein-proteases and protease inhibitor genes in the regulation of programmed cell death in plants. The Plant Cell 11: 431-443.
Sutinen S., Skärby L., Wallin G., Selldén G. 1990. Long-term exposure of Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst., to ozone in open-top chambers. II. Effects on the ultrastructure of needles. New Phytologist 115: 345-355.
Tausz M., Olszyk D. M., Monschein S., Tingey D. T. 2004. Combined effects of CO2 and O3 on antioxidative and photoprotective defense systems in needles of ponderosa pine. Biologia plantarum 48: 543-548.
Tzortzakis N., Borland A., Singleton I., Barnes J. 2007. Impact of atmospheric ozone-enrichment on quality-related attributes of tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 45: 317-325.
UNECE 2004. Manual on methodologies and criteria for modelling and mapping critical loads and levels and air pollution effects, risk and trends. Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. http:/www.icpmapping.org.
Voldner E.C., Barrie L.A., Sirois A. 1986. A literature review of dry deposition of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen with emphasis on long-range transport modelling in North America. Atmospheric Environment 20: 2101-2123.
Vollenweider P., Fenn M. E., Menard T., Günthardt-Goerg M., Bytnerowicz A. 2013. Structural injury underlying mottling in ponderosa pine needles exposed to ambient ozone concentrations in the San Bernardino Mountains near Los Angeles, California. Trees 27: 895–911.
Wieser G. and Emberson L.D. 2004. Evaluation of the stomatal conductance formulation in the EMEP ozone deposition model for Picea abies. Atmospheric Environment 38: 2339-2348.
Wipfler P., Seifert T., Heerdt C., Werner H., Pretzsch H. 2005. Growth of adult Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) under free-air ozone fumigation. Plant Biology 7: 611-618.
Yamaji K., Julkunen‐Tiitto R., Rousi M., Freiwald V., Oksanen E. 2003. Ozone exposure over two growing seasons alters root‐to‐shoot ratio and chemical composition of birch (Betula pendula Roth). Global Change Biology 9: 1363-1377.
Zapletal M., Cudlín P., Chroust P., Urban O., Pokorný R., Edwards-Jonášová M., Czerný R., Janouš D., Taufarová T., Večeřa Z., Mikuška P., Paoletti E. 2011. Ozone flux over a Norway spruce forest and correlation with Net Ecosystem Production. Environmental Pollution 159 (2011): 1024-1034.
Zapletal M., Pretel J., Chroust P., Cudlín P., Edwards-Jonášová M., Urban O., Pokorný R., Czerný R., Hůnová I. 2012. The influence of climate change on stomatal ozone flux to a mountain Norway spruce forest. Environmental Pollution 169 (2012): 267-273.
How to Cite
Zapletal, M., Juran, S., Krpes, V., Michna, K., Cudlin, P., & Edwards, M. (2018). Effect of ozone flux on selected structural and antioxidant characteristics of a mountain Norway spruce forest. Baltic Forestry, 24(2), 261–267. Retrieved from https://balticforestryojs.lammc.lt/ojs/index.php/BF/article/view/92
Forest Ecology