Alien invasive pathogens and pests in the changing environment: Focus on North Europe

(abstracts of presentations of the panel of Nordic Forest Research Network SNS N2023-01a)


  • Rimvys Vasaitis (Ed.) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences



On 12–13 September 2023, a panel of forest pathologists and entomologists gathered in Visby, Gotland Island, Baltic Sea, Sweden. The participants, a total of 20, represented all five Nordic Countries, three Baltic States, and Ukraine, and also joined by the local stakeholders representing the Swedish Forestry Agency and Gotland Administration. The purpose was to conduct a scientific workshop focusing on invasive tree pests and diseases emerging in each respective country, as well as to participate in an excursion to damaged woodland sites of Gotland. The Nordic Forest Research (SNS) financially supported the event (
Keywords: Corinectria / Neonectria cankers; Hymenoscyphus fraxineus; Emerald Ash Borer; Diplodia sapinea; Acute Oak Decline; Polygraphus proximus; emerging birch pests; Bronze Birch Borer; Thekopsora areolata; seedborn conifer fungi 



How to Cite

Vasaitis (Ed.), R. (2024). Alien invasive pathogens and pests in the changing environment: Focus on North Europe: (abstracts of presentations of the panel of Nordic Forest Research Network SNS N2023-01a). Baltic Forestry, 30(1), Supplement, id750.



Forest Health Protection